Australian Open Review

Judd Trump is back to winning ways
catching the Australian Open Title

The Australian Open was missed by a lot of Top Players - like always -, but the draw with just 32 players made it looks higher level than it could be if there was 128 players, with a lot of amateurs and withdraws.
The tournament was played in perfect conditions, "the best on the tour all the year" like some players said.
The crowd wasn't big in the early stages, but in the later stages it was packed out, and of course Neil Robertson's run to the final helped.
The event also had an "unexpected buzz" thanks to the great coverage from Fox Sports and a winner with a lot of fans like Judd Trump.

Neil Robertson was very confident, winning the Wuxi Classic a week before and of course because of his achievements last season completing his Triple Crown and being the first man to make 100 Century Breaks in one season. He was very hungry as well, because he'd never won his home tournament. Then the Australian qualified for the final here for the second time in a row beating Mark Davis easy in the Semi-Final.

But Judd Trump played superbly all the week, made a lot of centuries, and got a lot of confidence beating Ricky Walden in a very high level match, which Judd was in trouble being behind 3-0 and 4(9)3 but cameback winning the decider. Then he won Xiao Guodong in the semi-final, to make a classic with Neil in the final.

In the Final, Judd didn't looked like feeling the pressure to be playing Neil in Australia, and after the players share the first 6 frames with a 71 Top Break from Trump, it was Trump who stormed into a 8(17)3 lead with breaks of 55, 114 and 101 winning 5 frames in a row.
Even Judd was just 1 frame from victory, Robertson didn't give up and reduced the deficit winning 2 frames with a Top Break of 109, but Judd Trump made a 51 to finish the battle, winning the match 9(17)5.

It's Judd's first major Ranking Event title in 20 months, his last was exactly against Neil in the 2012 International Championship.
Judd Trump's been playing well since the start of the year, reaching to the German Masters' Final, World Championship's Quarter Final and another good runs. But winning this title will give him confidence again and he can finally back to win major events again. He's motivated and confident again, he is surely one of the hardiest players to beat.

After win the final, Judd said:  "I played well throughout the week although today was quite cagey. Even at 8-3 ahead I knew he was capable of winning six frames in a row - he did that against me at the World Championship. He started to go for his shots and they were going in, so I was a bit nervy because if it had gone 8-6 then the pressure would have been on me.
The difference today was that I was nicking the tight frames. I was happy to be 5-3 ahead at the end of the first session, then I won an important first frame in the evening session.
Last season I didn't play well at the start but I did in the second half and it was frustrating not to win a title. It's great to get off to a good start this season and hopefully I can win more.
I'm glad I entered the event, I enjoyed every game and the crowds were a lot better than the first time I came here."

Let's see the ROS BR Awards:

Name of the Tournament: Judd Trump
Judd is a very deserved of this award, he played the best snooker all the week and was really the big name of the tournament, avoiding Neil to win his first home tournament.

Disappointing Finish: Shaun Murphy & Stephen Maguire
I could've give this award for many others players like Mark Allen, Liang Wenbo, Luca Brecel, Joe Perry, and Neil Robertson, as he is really very disappointing to lose in his home final again.
But Maguire, after reach to the Quarters in Wuxi, was whitewashed in the hands of Jamie Jones in his first match as Shaun Murphy, after play a brilliant snooker against Jack Lisowski in the first round, compiling breaks of 90, 103, 54 and 68 - really a perfect performance - he lost to Mark Davis in the second round in a low level match.

Backing to Play: Mark Davis
I could give this award to Judd as well as he won his first major title in 20 months, but he looks in good form since the start of the year, so Davis who had been very poor since his victory in the World's 6 Red last year,  reached to the semis here playing really a good snooker highlighted by his great victory over Bingham in the Quarter Finals, compiling 6 half-century breaks winning the match in the decider 5-4

Youngstar of the Tournament: Xiao Guodong
Xiao Guodong is improving a lot since his run to the final in the 2013 Shanghai Masters, and he was just 1 degree away from another major final, but Judd ended his dream in the Semi-Final.
Guodong failed in making a century over the week, but played very solid. The young could easily beat Judd if he was a bit more defensive, but the open match was an advantage for Trump, who won that clash 6(11)3 compiling 6 breaks over 60 including one 94 and two 100's.

Player of the Tournament: Judd Trump
Judd played better than anyone, in any match, finishing the week with the title.
He was very important for the buzz of the tournament and made a big show for the snooker fans, there's no doubt he is deserved of this award, let's just hope he can keep this form up and continues winning titles.

This was a very enjoyable week of snooker, but now we stop a bit until the European Tour 1 next month, days 7 to 10 in Latvia, where Dylan Craig will be in action, I wish him good lucky.
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