UK Championship to Start Tomorrow

Judd Trump whitewashes his first opponent

For some people it might looks that the World Championship finished yesterday, but believe or not the UK Championship will start tomorrow, as the last Big Event of 2014.
The tournament will have 128 players again, but this time no match of the first round (Tuesday to Thursday) will be live on BBC.

Judd Trump have his place on BBC guaranteed as Rouzi Maimaiti - who should be his opponent - withdrew the event.
Anyway, we'll see a few good players tomorrow as Robert Milkins, Barry Hawkins and Stuart Bingham will be on live streaming, there's still a possibility to any other match at 19:30 also be played on stream because Judd won't play.
There's few others names to play where we can pay some attention, like Graeme Dott and Alan McManus.

Ronnie O`Sullivan plays Daniel Wells on Thursday 27, at 14:30 UK/Local Time, you can follow the results on our Facebook Page by clicking here.


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