The Masters

Semi Final Prediction

Well, we are already down to the Semi-Finals of the Masters, and what a line-up we got for this weekend, which pretends to produce a big piece of Snooker's history in my viewing.
Ronnie O`Sullivan, Neil Robertson, Mark Allen and Shaun Murphy, should it get any better than that? Maybe, and just maybe, if one of these four mans were World Champion.

Anyway, I'm gonna now try to predict this almost-unpredictable Semi-Final, here comes:

Ronnie O`Sullivan (11) Neil Robertson Neil Robertson got his name here by beating Ali Carter in one of the greatest performances of his career, as the Englishman did well to get a frame. The Australian did breaks of 57, 84, 98, 127 & 128, and he's now very confident ahead of this clash against Ronnie O`Sullivan, who wrote his name in the Guinness Book twice on Thursday, as he did his 776th Career Century Break in the first frame, and then did breaks of 51, 67, 85 & 66 on his way to win his 43rd match at the Masters, another Record stolen from Stephen Hendry.
Looking ahead this match, O`Sullivan seems to have a nice head-to-head against Neil, winning 10 out of 15 encounters, but they are 13 months no playing each other, both don't know how the opponent's game has changed, so all we can expect from this match, is a high-quality match, with both attacking a lot, and the best really taking it. I don't really expect a scrappy match all the way, as both players are used to this kind of match, I go for 6-4 to Ronnie O`Sullivan just because Neil haven't the same liberty when he's playing someone's with O`Sullivan's style, and also because The Rocket is too motivated for it.

Mark Allen (11) Shaun Murphy Well, to be honest I support Allen here, because we rarely see him at the last stages of a Big Event, and it should be good to see him in a final again - which should be just his second. But Murphy is gonna be favourite all the way as he is a lot more used to this occasion, and Allen barely play a Semi-Final in a Big Event.
Murphy also played such a high quality match to beat Maguire, while Allen and Perry showed signs of amateurish in their match.
I go for 6-2 to Murphy but this is nice to Allen, he's shown some form in the last year and maybe this is the year he will get the experience he needs to start winning these Big Events.

Well, whether happens this weekend, I'm gonna keep at home watching the Snooker until it's over, and you can follow all my simultaneous updates in our Facebook Page by Clicking here.


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